For this collection we were instructed to pick three words out of a hat and draw inspiration from them in order to design a collection.
My three words were : 1.) Scent:–noun 1. a distinctive odor, esp. when agreeable: the scent of roses. 2. an odor left in passing, by means of which an animal or person may be traced. 3. a track or trail as or as if indicated by such an odor: The dogs lost the scent and the prisoner escaped. 4. perfume. 5. the sense of smell: a remarkably keen scent. 6. small pieces of paper dropped by the hares in the game of hare and hounds. –verb (used with object) 7. to perceive or recognize by or as if by the sense of smell: to scent trouble. 8. to fill with an odor; perfume. –verb (used without object) 9. to hunt by the sense of smell, as a hound.
2.)Ambiguous:–adjective 1. open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; equivocal: an ambiguous answer. 2. Linguistics. (of an expression) exhibiting constructional homonymity; having two or more structural descriptions, as the sequence Flying planes can be dangerous. 3. of doubtful or uncertain nature; difficult to comprehend, distinguish, or classify: a rock of ambiguous character. 4. lacking clearness or definiteness; obscure; indistinct: an ambiguous shape; an ambiguous future.
3.)Talisman:–noun, plural -mans. 1. a stone, ring, or other object, engraved with figures or characters supposed to possess occult powers and worn as an amulet or charm. 2. any amulet or charm. 3. anything whose presence exercises a remarkable or powerful influence on human feelings or actions.
Exploring these words and their definitions made and image pop into my head of a predator following the scent of its prey, like a wolf and a rabbit.
I thought of a predators we all face as human beings : addictions, eating disorders, hostility, hypocrisy, anger, manipulation, lies, corruption. All of these things fall under the work of the devil and evil works.
The white rabbit represented Goodness, purity,light, peace, truth etc. The predator (wolf) represented evil, chaos, madness, war, murder, corruption, etc.
I thought that this collection could be a "talisman", or religious symbol of the ongoingattle between good and evil.
Each of the garments have a white exterior that are pretty minimal in design. Each piece of the collection opens up to reveal the chaos underneath (which represents evil). Each look of the collection has its own representation of the things that evil tries to overtake- our hearts, our minds, our direction, our sexuality, our appetites, addictions,our strengths and weaknesses, etc.
The word Ambiguous captures the character of evil in it's chaos, lack of control, justice, ruthlessness, lawlessness and constant but impossible pursuit of satisfaction. Ambiguity also helps us in understanding Good- A God that is unable to be defined or squeezed into a box, the depth of the unknown, the mysterious works of God and miracles that just seem to happen unexpectedly without being deserved or understood.
Ta DA! Senior Collection in a nutshell !
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